An invertebrate biodiversity study was conducted at Sungai Way on the 10th of March 2008. Three sampling sites, from upstream to downstream were selected, and invertebrate and fish biodiversity were studied.
Of the three sampling sites, the third was found to be most suitable for a habitat. It had the most natural vegetation and ample shade from the trees that surrounded the river.
From the results that were obtained, it can be seen that Sungai Way does support some sort of fauna biodiversity. However, it is very limited due to the abundance of pollution in the vicinity.
Some examples of fauna that were found in the three sampling sites include:
- African catfish
- Snails
- Long worms
The presence of highly tolerant invertebrate in great numbers indicate that the river is polluted. Invertebrates such as snails, bloodworms and flat worms can be found within the three sampling sites indicating that these species have adapted well to live and survive in the river system. Other aquatic organisms such as fish are very difficult to find. Even alien fish species such as Tilapia, that are considered extremely tolerant were not present in Sungai Way. Only one type of hardy fish species were caught and indicates that the river is not able to support other types of fish.
Sungai Way is a river that has been channelised and made concrete ; it is not in its natural state. Therefore, Sungai Way is no longer able to support many types of aquatic wildlife. The findings from the biodiversity study on invertebrate and fish indicate that Sungai Way is already in bad shape and its aquatic wildlife carrying capacity is limited.
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